Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Disney Packing List

So you have a trip coming up and you are unsure what is a MUST HAVE. Let me see if I can give you some ideas! I'm known to pack weeks (OK months) in advance.

We live in Ohio and tend to go off season, so that helps! Instead of packing all of our summer stuff away to the basement, I just pack some in suitcases instead. When the kids were small I would buy gallon zip bags at the dollar store and pack entire outfits in a bag. Made life easy to just hand out bags with names/days written on the bag. A couple weeks before our trip I'll lay everything out and pack by entire outfits as I lay them in a suitcase. Because there was that one time I forgot someone's underwear.... It was not pretty.  Don't forget to pack things that you can layer if need be.

In your rooms will be small soaps, shampoos, lotion etc but you still might want to bring your own. Especially if anyone in your family might have sensitive skin.

Laundry pods are convenient for travel, or grab some sample sizes. Just in case you need to do laundry. Stain sticks are handy too. Exhibit A:

arrival day

I cannot stress this one enough. COMFORTABLE SHOES. Forget looking cute in heels. You will be walking miles.  I wouldn't suggest brand new shoes either. Take things you know are broken in. Oh and bring at least 2 pair per person. You never know when it's going to rain, and walking in soggy shoes is pretty miserable.

Runners use this wonderful thing called Body Glide. It works amazing for chafing and to prevent blisters. It's a beautiful thing at Disney.

Bandaids and Neosporin spray, or a small first aid kit. Actually a sampling of most meds would be a good idea. Like antacids, cold/allergy meds, Tylenol/Motrin for adults and children on top of prescription meds that you'll need to bring. Aloe is great for sunburns as well. You may not need any of it but they are handy to have.

A comfortable backpack, cross body bag,  Maybe even a fanny pack. Whatever is most comfortable. Keep in mind that all bags must be checked at entry to every park. 

Camera, memory cards, batteries, chargers, cell phone chargers, external battery, power strip to plug it all in.

Gum. You won't find it for sale in parks. 

Animal Kingdom will only have paper straws, so keep that in mind if it bothers you. 

PONCHOS. Do you know that it rains in Florida every afternoon in certain parts of the year? The storms move fast, usually blowing through quickly. When I say 'rain' I mean POURS.  Don't let it ruin your day! Throw on a poncho and keep on trucking. If you forget to bring some and buy the park ponchos, keep your receipt. If it tears/rips you can get it replaced FREE.

A really cool way to organize the bathroom is an over the door shoe holder. Yes, SHOE. Each little pocket can hold each person's toothbrush/toothpaste/floss/rinse, brush/spray/comb, flat iron etc. If you don't need the full length, you could always cut the bottom half off. 

Tip envelopes with cash, ready to go. If you plan on using bell services have a tip handy. Maids might change during your stay so it's best to tip daily vs weekly. 

Pre bought gift cards. One of the best things for our family staying in a Disney Resort is the dining plan. I love that it's pre paid and that daily dining is not something I need to plan for/budget. However, there are little things not covered. Like table service tipping, souvenirs, etc. For those I like to pre buy Disney gift cards. Also each one of our children get a X amount gift card. That is their personal spending money. When it's gone, it's gone! This cuts down on the kids begging for this that and the other. They want that cool treat bucket for popcorn not on the plan? Use your card. How about that giant princess castle. Use your card. 

Keep in mind that yes, Disney does rent strollers, but they are very spendy.  Not to mention you drop them off at the entrance/exit of the park. Carrying that 50 lb sleeping child feels like 100 when you're exhausted. I highly suggest bringing a good stroller.  Even for your older children, don't assume your 5 yo still won't want to ride even if they don't normally. You can rent strollers off site as well that will be delivered to bell services of your resort. Those little umbrella strollers are cheap but a pain in the behind to push and will fall over if you try and load stuff on the handles. 

What are your must have packing items? I'd love to hear your tried and true tips!

Angela Wilson - Archer Luxury Travel 

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