Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The post that no one wants to read, but should.

I'm going to broach a topic that most people have heard about. When you experience something like this, it can ruin a vacation in a blink of an eye. All that money, time, effort... and left traumatized.

I'm sure you can guess what 2 words I'm going to say.

Bed Bugs <shudder>

This is your reminder that no matter where you go - be diligent. No matter WHERE it is. Any resort, hotel, cruise etc is susceptible to bed bugs. Here are some ways to spot the wee critters.

  • As a precaution immediately put your luggage in a bathroom or tub until you've had a chance to check over your room.
  • Gently pull back the sheet and mattress pad to check the four corners of the mattress and box springs, pulling back the cording and look along the edges.
  • Check the closet area, valet, and/or luggage rack. look in corners and anything that may be dark. 
  • For a more evasive look, check surrounding furniture, headboards, carpet corners etc. Pull out a flashlight if you need to.
  • If you find what you think looks like a bed bug, alert hotel staff immediately so that they can double check and take measures to ensure that the issue is resolved. 
  • When you get home if you are unsure that you might have a hitchhiker, launder all of your clothing on the hottest wash/dry cycle for the garment in question, bagging things up as you complete the process. Vacuum the suitcase inside and either box or bag before storing , seal shoes and belongings that can't be washed in bags. Things that are bagged need to stay in bags a minimum of 3 weeks to halt the life cycle of the bug. 

In spite of the dreadful creatures, being aware may save your vacation. No one wants to deal with the mess and chaos that these pesky little things create.

Angela Wilson - Archer Luxury Travel

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